How to Create an Organic Instagram Presence

My mom always asks, "Have you seen my Instagram today?" The account is of our lazy lab, Timmy. At first, "365 Days of Timmmy" only had one or two followers, but within months Timmy became "Instafamous." Now, pictures of him cuddled up to his favorite toy or videos of him snoring fill people's news feeds, putting a smile on their face.


So, that is why I chose this topic for my infographic. I wanted to know how my mom was able to create such a powerful social media presence. With research from author at Social Media Examiner, Julia McCoy and recognized Instagram expert Sue B. Zimmerman I was able to create a simple, yet informative deisgn.


I used Adobe InDesign to create this infographic. Using statistics from Google Trends, and McCoy's article I was able to make becoming "Instafamous," easy. So, #hashtag away. Connect with the world using these 5 simple, yet effective tips.


  • + Project: Infographic
  • + Clients: Instagrammers, dog-lovers, photographers, you name it
  • + Skills: InDesign

How to Make an Acai Bowl

Pronounced "ah-sigh-EE," these colorful bowls are packed with antioxidants. They make the perfect summer breakfast, and will leave you with a full belly and a smile. It's the prettiest breakfast you'll ever make, so pretty, you won't want to touch it!


With help from acai experts, Sambazon, I was able to construct a simple, 6-step infographic. I used Canva to create this colorful infographic. It is a simple design, but fun and informative. Like an acai bowl, I wanted the colors to be bright and aesthetically pleasing. The icons and stylistic elements I used also portray this.

A Superfood That's Super Good

So, give it a try! Mix up your breakfast routine and get creative in the kitchen.


  • + Project: Infographic
  • + Clients: Foodies, health-junkies
  • + Skills: Canva